
Fox News Poll: Majority says Biden trying to cover up origins of COVID-19

Addtime:2023-03-31 Click: 154

Majorities of voters think COVID-19 leaked from a lab in China and the Biden administration is trying to cover up its origins.

The latest Fox News national survey finds 62% believe COVID-19 was created by scientists in China, while 33% think it evolved from nature. That’s almost identical to what views were two years ago (60-31%).  

Fox News Poll on the origins of the coronavirus

Fox News Poll on the origins of the coronavirus (Fox News Poll)

Some 4 in 10 say the White House is being open and transparent about the origins of the virus, but a majority of 54% thinks the administration is covering it up – including most Republicans, over half of independents, and one quarter of Democrats. 

Fox News Poll on Biden Administration Transparency regarding coronavirus

Fox News Poll on Biden Administration Transparency regarding coronavirus (Fox News Poll)

In February, the U.S. Energy Department said it thinks the pandemic likely came from a leak at a Chinese laboratory. Other intelligence agencies have offered differing assessments. 

Partisans haven’t budged on how they think the pandemic started. In 2021, about twice as many Republicans (79%) as Democrats (41%) believed COVID-19 was created in a lab, and that’s still the case today (82% vs. 41%). Among independents, 58% said it started in a lab two years ago and 67% feel that way now.

Fox News Poll on origin of coronavirus by political party.

Fox News Poll on origin of coronavirus by political party. (Fox News Poll)

Overall, 39% of voters are worried about the virus. That’s down from 55% last May and 72% who were concerned in January 2022. In fact, the pandemic is the lowest concern out of a list of 14 issues.

Fox News Poll on American's concerns about the coronavirus

Fox News Poll on American's concerns about the coronavirus (Fox News Polls)

Conducted March 24-27, 2023, under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R), this Fox News Poll includes interviews with 1,007 registered voters nationwide who were randomly selected from a voter file and spoke with live interviewers on both landlines and cellphones. The total sample has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.