
Twitter Files: Jack Dorsey urges Elon Musk after James Baker ouster, 'Just release everything without filter'

Addtime:2022-12-08 Click: 156

Ex-Twitter boss Jack Dorsey has called on current CEO Elon Musk to make all the "Twitter files" public after the company's former deputy general counsel James Baker was "exited" for his role in the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Musk has teased the release of additional "Twitter files" that purport to show how the company worked to censor certain speech, as many conservatives have long asserted. Dorsey on Wednesday suggested that Musk release all the internal documents at once, "without filter," and also explain the actions Twitter will take under its new management.   

"If the goal is transparency to build trust, why not just release everything without filter and let people judge for themselves? Including all discussions around current and future actions?" Dorsey asked. "Make everything public now." 

Dorsey's comment comes after Musk handed off internal documents and records to Substack journalist Matt Taibbi, who published a thread exposing how previous Twitter leadership decided to throttle discussion of the New York Post's bombshell story detailing the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop. At the time, Twitter Safety alleged the articles were in violation of its "hacked materials policy."



The "Twitter files" revealed that Baker, who was former general counsel at the FBI and was a key figure in the Trump-Russia investigation, advised Twitter executives to proceed with the assumption the New York Post broke Twitter rules, even though there was no evidence they had done so. 

"I support the conclusion that we need more facts to assess whether the materials were hacked," he wrote in one email chain. "At this stage, however, it's reasonable for us to assume that they may have been and that caution is warranted."


Baker was responding to a Twitter executive who was wondering whether they could "truthfully claim" that the laptop story was "part of the policy."

Taibbi reported that Baker was also in charge of reviewing the "Twitter files" before they were released to journalists, which "surprised everyone involved."  

Musk on Tuesday said Baker was "exited" from the company "in light of concerns about Baker's possible role in the suppression of information important to the public dialogue."