
Elon Musk sculpture appears in Austin, Texas

Addtime:2022-11-27 Click: 145

A statue honoring Elon Musk has become the newest attraction in Austin, Texas, this weekend. A sculpted head of the Tesla CEO sits atop the metal body of a goat riding a rocket to honor Musk's contributions to cryptocurrency. Creators named the project the "Elon Goat Token."

Kevin Stone, a 20-year metal sculptor, was asked to build the statue by cyrpto enthusiasts, earlier this year. They wanted Stone to complete the project in 3-5 months. Stone's initial timeline was 1-2 years, but he completed the work in nearly six months.

"The idea was to design this sculpture to grab everybody's attention and advertise their crypto," said Stone. "They plan on driving the sculpture around to market the project as a giant Elon NFT brought to life." 

According to Stone, the group hopes to present the sculpture, which is over 30 feet long and cost $600,000 to create, as a gift to Musk. The goat body and rocket ship were made by other sculptors before being merged with the bust of Musk on the trailer.

"They hope that it will not only trigger media interest but establish a token that will stick around unlike other crypto tokens that have come and gone and are not here for the long haul," added Stone.

There is no word whether Musk is aware of the sculpture. He has been preoccupied with his latest role as "Chief Twit" since his $44 billion acquisition of Twitter concluded last month.