
Elon Musk to roll out multi-colored verification checks

Addtime:2022-11-26 Click: 161

Twitter chief Elon Musk said Friday that the social media platform would roll out an updated verified service next Friday. 

In tweets early Friday, the SpaceX founder apologized for the delay and explained how verification would be updated.

"Gold check for companies, grey check for government, blue for individuals (celebrity or not) and all verified accounts will be manually authenticated before check activates," he said. "Painful, but necessary."

Responding to his tweet, social media influencer Crypto King asked, "So every individual verified as a public official or $8 payment will have the same check? Will they be customizable? Will there be a red check for those that commit fraud but verified #NYT?"

Musk said that all verified individuals would have the same blue check, explaining that the boundary of what constitutes "notable" is "otherwise too subjective." 

"Individuals can have secondary tiny logo showing they belong to an org if verified as such by that org. Longer explanation next week," he added.

In a later tweet, Musk said that the company and Twitter users, "shall see how it goes." 

These remarks come after the billionaire was forced to pause the $8 monthly subscriptions to Twitter Blue after users impersonated brands, sitting senators and others. 

The chaos led several companies to pause or pull back advertising on Twitter. 

Musk, however, said Twitter's user growth is at an all-time high.

On Monday, Musk said Twitter was holding off the relaunch until there is "high confidence of stopping impersonation."

"Will probably use different color check for organizations than individuals," he noted.