Power the Future also calls on Congress to approve the Keystone XL pipeline which Biden canceled, block the president's financial regulations designed to curb fossil fuel production and rescind a federal rule that allows California to set aggressive emissions standards. And the report states that Republicans should work to end "sue and settle" lawsuits that incentivize environmental groups to file legal challenges in an effort to slow energy development.

In its final four recommendations, the group said a Republican-majority House should ban the Biden administration's "social cost of carbon" policy that requires agencies to factor in carbon emissions when approving programs, allow automatic approvals of natural gas export terminals, pass a law that explicitly states the Clean Air Act does not include greenhouse gases and protect coal power plants from burdensome regulations.

"If Congress takes these bold, but practical steps, to stop Biden’s attack on American energy, it can restore hope for energy workers, consumers, and the economy," the report concluded. "There’s no question Biden will veto these measures—but at this point, that’s not really the point."

"Passing these ten policies will provide a clear contrast with Biden on energy between two competing visions: one rooted in allowing market participants to produce the cleanest, most reliable, and most affordable energy on the planet, versus another, Biden-backed vision that favors mandates, command-and-control regulations, and dictates from bureaucrats designed to stamp out fossil fuels and prioritize cronies in the green energy industry—all the while scoffing at regular people who have to suffer the consequences."