
Richmond, California, council meeting explodes over resolution blaming Israel after Hamas attack

Addtime:2023-10-26 Click: 102

A California city council has passed a controversial resolution backing Palestinians in Gaza that some local Israeli supporters say will "only incentivize the Hamas Nazi terrorists" and "greenlight the endless attempts to kill more Jews." 

The measure, which states that Palestinians are "currently facing a campaign of ethnic cleansing and collective punishment by the state of Israel," passed in the Bay Area city of Richmond early Wednesday morning by a 5-1 vote. A public comment hearing that lasted for hours leading up to the vote became heated at times with shouting between audience members.

"I'm a Richmond resident and of Jewish heritage. I totally oppose this resolution because it is full of lies that will only incentivize the Hamas Nazi terrorists and their supporters and add to the suffering of the poor Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank for decades," one resident said, adding that "this resolution supports the goals of the Palestinian dictatorships to kill all Jews and destroy Israel." 

"Please vote no on this resolution," another woman said. "Do not greenlight the endless attempts to kill more Jews." 

Richmond, California resolution for Gaza hearing

Audience members argue during a hearing on the resolution Tuesday in Richmond, California. (KTVU)

The resolution says the "state of Israel is engaging in collective punishment against the Palestinian people in Gaza in response to Hamas attacks on Israel," naming Israel’s blockade of electricity, water and other medical supplies into the densely-populated territory.

Israel has offered to end the blockade if Hamas releases its hostages, but the Palestinian terrorist group has been holding firm, effectively prolonging the suffering. 

"Israel is now engaged in an ethnic cleansing campaign by explicitly requiring 2 million Palestinians to leave Gaza immediately or risk being bombed in their homes by the Israeli army," the resolution says.  

It also says the city of Richmond calls for an "immediate humanitarian ceasefire and the safe passage of substantial humanitarian aid to Gaza," the "immediate release of all Israeli hostages taken by Hamas" and an "end to Israeli apartheid and the occupation and blockade of Palestinian land by Israeli military forces." 

"The City of Richmond opposes all existing and any future military aid to Israel," it concludes. 

Richmond Mayor Eduardo Martinez

Richmond Mayor Eduardo Martinez says the resolution is not "antisemitic." (KTVU)

Richmond Mayor Eduardo Martinez argued during the hearing that "some people say that this resolution is antisemitic," but "it is not."

"There has not been one single word that says we are against the Jewish people," he said. "If it sounds one-sided, it's because it voices a narrative that has been ignored." 

Those comments drew applause from some in attendance. 

The lone ‘no’ vote on the resolution came from council member Cesar Zepeda, who expressed concern that it may cause division, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. 

Audience at Richmond City Council hearing

Those who spoke Tuesday at the hearing expressed support for both Palestinians and Israelis during the conflict. (KTVU)

"I seek to bring everyone together in a community for peace," he said