
JESSE WATTERS: Joe Biden's been groomed his entire career to take orders

Addtime:2023-06-06 Click: 120

Jesse Watters highlights the deteriorating quality of journalism from "Meet the Press" and how presidents are not the individuals that hold the real power in Washington on "Jesse Watters Primetime."

JESSE WATTERS: "Meet the Press" used to cover what Chuck Todd today would call a "conspiracy theory." You think Chuck would ask [John] Kerry a secret society question? Chuck Todd doesn't even know Hunter's laptop's real. But what did that Tim Russert question tell you? What was Tim Russert getting on? In 2004. It didn't matter if Bush or Kerry won the election. At the end of the day, Skull and Bones was going to have their guy in the White House. This takes me back to Barney Miller.

Once you cover politics for awhile, you ealize the presidents aren't the powerful ones. It's the people who put the presidents in the White House. They're the powerful ones. Now we've always known politicians are puppets. Joe Biden confessed it to a group of kids. 

Powerful people installed Biden so that he can take orders, not give them. Joe Biden's been groomed his whole career to take orders. And now that he's literally slept his way to the top, they won't let him go anywhere. The FBI put their guy in the White House. You think we're just going to let voters decide if he should serve four more years? We can't afford to take that risk. Joe Biden's been in intelligence ops since he was vice president. 

One of the FBI's top informants, a guy with impeccable credentials, a great track record, reported an allegation that Joe Biden took a $5 million bribe right under Barack Obama's nose from a foreign national in exchange for a policy decision. They've been blackmailing Joe Biden with this for a decade. Well, until a whistleblower came forward. And now James Colmer wants a document released to Congress. And the FBI is caught in a cover-up.