FOX Business: What’s a misconception you feel the press or the public still has about you?
Siegel: … People that I’ve never met, of course, think that I married for money. But then when they see me, they’re the first ones to go, "Oh my God, we love you." *laughs*. My life isn’t about flashing money around and showing off. We’re doing all of this for us. We’re private people, except our story is exposed to the media.


… But the truth is, my family and our future come first. I’m still a small hometown girl at heart. My boys told me, "Since we’re building a house like this one, we should really have a family crest." If you would have asked me what a family crest was, I would pull out a tube of toothpaste! I’ve always been the same.

FOX Business: What kept you going after losing your daughter?
Siegel: … It was difficult, losing your child and then having the headlines bash family… Meanwhile, you’re mourning and wondering, "What did I do wrong?" But you can’t live with guilt your whole life. And those newspapers actually did us a favor because they pushed me and gave me the strength to speak about our experience publicly so that other parents are spared from going through a similar pain.

Jackie Siegel husband

Victoria Siegel Foundation founders Jackie Siegel and David Siegel speak during "Victoria's Voice – An Evening to Save Lives," presented by the Victoria Siegel Foundation at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort and Casino on Oct. 25, 2019. (Bryan Steffy/Getty Images / Getty Images)

This notoriety puts me in a position where my voice can be heard. And it helps me to know that my daughter didn’t die in vain, that her story is, in some way, saving so many other lives. That so many people are learning about the impact of the opioid crisis. It helps with my healing process.